ProcToGo Kick-off Meeting


The kick-off meeting was organised by Tor Vergata Univeristy of Rome on 9th March on Blackboard. It was opened by the welcome speech of Lead Partner Prof. Corrado Cerruti, professor of Innovation Managament at Tor Vergata University, who offered an overview on the project, outlining the main objectives and the planned results.

The meeting brought together the project partners, who were duly represented, to share information on their respective institutions, their role within the partnership  and to discuss the ProcToGo work plan over the following 30 months.


The main items discussed were: 

  • overview of ProcToGo project:  objectives, activities, timeline; 
  • partners tasks and responsibilities;
  • sharing of previous experience in managing EU-funded projects;
  • project management implementation: quality monitoring, dissemination activities, project funding and reporting activities.

The project meeting was very fruitful and the partnership showed a very high commitment to the project implementation and to the achievement of the project objectives.